Journey Across the Plane: Inside the Flat Earth Movement

33 min readMay 15, 2021


The Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, United States.

A wormhole is a theoretical bridge between two points in the spacetime continuum. Think of it like this: draw a line from one end of a piece of paper to the other, and make a dot at each point. What is the quickest way to get from one point to the other? Most people would logically follow the line in a straight path.

However, there’s another way. What if you folded the paper so that the two disparate ends meet? The distance between the two points is shortened drastically. This is the basic concept behind a wormhole, and it would allow for almost instant movement from one point in the universe to another. It’s also much more difficult, requiring the traveler to obtain knowledge completely alien to them initially.

A wormhole is an appropriate analogy to my experiences with the flat earth movement, and my quest to uncover its true nature. Watching second-hand YouTube videos or reading popular science articles is one way you could obtain information on flat earth, but it is like finding a needle in a haystack, and you think the needle is something akin to a large flagpole. The general population has an inaccurate perception of the movement, the people associated with it, and the ideas that fuel it. This is partially due to a lack of will to discover its true nature, and partially due to the lack of effort from those that write the articles or produce the videos to accurately report on their views.

The movement as perceived by the general public is one of a ragtag group of conspiracy-obsessed whackjobs who propose that tens of thousands of people are working to hide the fact that the earth is a flying space frisbee among a solar system of spherical planets. Unfortunately for those who buy into this notion, legitimate flat earthers simply dismiss this perception as strawmen they have heard countless times, and move on like nothing happened. This is the most common interaction between globe earthers and flat earthers, and it leads to nonstop antagonism rather than a mutual understanding between human beings.

I decided to take a different approach. Rather than watching unreliable pop science videos on the first page of YouTube to learn about flat earth, I dove into the depths of the movement myself. I have talked to numerous flat earthers, perused through their resources, and watched hours of debates from flat earthers and their globe earth opponents. This investigation produced findings that did not reveal a small group of conspiracy-obsessed whackjobs, but a large, complex movement of people who found both rage and solace in a questionable collective of resources and online discussion.

I will discuss the various components of the movement, from the people involved to the evidence they present and how they share it. I will also analyze the complex systems of information exchange that leads flat earthers to consistently confirm their biases and support their points, along with the nature of the groups they reside in.

This investigation’s purpose is to uncover the full extent of a complicated system of people. It is meant to clear the air and establish common understanding, not generate more antagonism. This is also not an exposé. Therefore, I will not be revealing the usernames of any specific users, and I will only mention the name of a single, highly public flat earth community. This community was far from the sole source of my information, but it remains a prime example of an online movement. My analysis of flat earth communities is representative of the whole.

As I will demonstrate later on, trolling flat earth groups is counterproductive and a pathetic use of anyone’s time. I condemn online trolling and antagonism of flat earthers to the greatest extent, as they represent the antithesis of my goal with this investigation.

For the globe earthers, I hope this investigation will reveal that the flat earth movement is more than a meme. For flat earthers, I hope it’s a refreshing alternative to those who say you think Earth is accelerating upwards at 9.8m/s.

This was my journey across the plane.

Chapter I: Planar Positioning

I am aware of the irony of a wormhole analogy when it comes to flat earth, considering they deny its plausibility. Regardless, it is an accurate representation of my approach, and it began with discovering information that was otherwise completely alien to me.

Nowadays, when you search the term “flat earth” in YouTube, you will find a collection of videos on the topic, as you would any search. But a vital component is missing: there is not a single video made by a flat earther in the results. They are all from mainstream media, well-known organizations and verified YouTubers. To anyone with a critical eye, this may seem bizarre. It is part of YouTube’s greater efforts to suppress “misinformation” by removing results by any advocates of such conspiracy theories. Whether this was the appropriate action is up for debate, but in regards to truly understanding those theories and the people behind them, it’s a step back. The top videos are either using information from the Flat Earth Society or antagonizing them using common strawmen.

I will elaborate on the Flat Earth Society, among other opposition, later on. For now, it means that there are no reliable sources of information to be found by direct search on YouTube.

In order to find legitimate flat earth videos, you will have to resort to a search engine such as DuckDuckGo. Even then, mainstream sources will populate most of the page unless you know what you’re looking for.

So I looked to alternate sources. Most people would default to Facebook and Twitter, two of the most influential social media platforms. There are multiple dedicated accounts on Twitter but many are regularly harassed, and the Flat Earth Society tends to take most of the spotlight. Facebook has a thriving scene, and it has not taken quite the same course of action as YouTube, allowing some to continue activity. Certain far right websites such as Gab have also experienced an uptick in flat earth advocacy. The “science” groups on Gab in particular contain a lot of such discussion, which is likely ironic for most people considering the title.

Aside from these three, there is a more unlikely platform that is arguably the center of the movement: Discord. Discord began as a gaming chat app but has expanded to offering a dedicated place for any community to reside online. Flat earthers made their own communities, and there is now roughly a dozen servers of various sizes, from a mere 200 members up to the thousands. Not all of these members are flat earthers, however. Many are curious spectators, some are active globe earth defenders, and others are antagonistic trolls. This combination makes for a near-sensory overload of scrolling text, images, videos, and dialogue boxes.

Each location for flat earth discussion differs massively from each other while maintaining an identical aura of conspiratorial considerations. Facebook, unlike Discord and Twitter, is not quite as instant. Discussion is slower, and images are more likely to be passed along as people have more time to attach what is needed, and more time to elaborate. Twitter does not have dedicated groups, leaving communities to naturally develop over time. However, it’s used more as an announcement platform for flat earth groups on the other two platforms due to its limited character count.

I will not be fully addressing the legitimacy of the actions taken by these platforms. Regardless, it’s important to note that these platforms are not going to deconstruct a movement of conspiracy theorists just by deleting their spaces. In order to address these issues, you need to determine the fundamental foundation that these movements are based on. I will discuss what I see as the foundation later on, and how to challenge these belief systems without disrespecting them as fellow human beings.

Discord has not addressed flat earth specifically, and has avoided criticism for allowing these servers to survive and thrive. I do not think the platform deserves criticism for this anyway, as a specific invite is required to view and speak in these groups. This makes it more difficult to access without a deliberate search, but leaves it open for those who are curious. Discord is a separate beast entirely as a platform, and its unique structure has allowed for an almost exhilarating experience for anyone who will put in the effort.

Chapter II: Discord Dynamics

As mentioned, Discord is home to around a dozen flat earth servers of significant size, meaning they have at least 300 members. The bulk of members are not active contributors, they simply let the server sit in their sidebar. Regardless, the server sizes are still significant when considering the fact that people are more likely to join servers with larger member counts.

Keep that in mind when you consider the fact that 24/7 Flat Earth, a flat earth community, has a Discord server with over 20,000 members. This is a massive quantity for a server, and it obtained this primarily through two different ways: YouTube and notoriety. I will not be discussing the history of the server extensively; only what is necessary to understand where the movement stands today on the platform.

The server you will find nowadays is the second rendition operated by a group of administrators, but the original server was founded by ODD TV, a YouTuber who makes flat earth informational videos and “red pill music.”

Yes, there is flat earth music. No, I will not be addressing it. Tough luck.

ODD advertised his server to his hundreds of thousands of subscribers, who would share the invites with their friends, and so on. It grew in member count, attracting flat earthers, curious observers, and trolls. 24/7 was not the first flat earth server, but a few followed in its footsteps, with some moderators making their own groups. Others diverged from the formula, but most have a few things in common in their structure.

YouTube debates are a popular method of broadcasting Discord server invites and bringing in users. Removing channels from search results does not stop the links from making their way to new viewers. Multiple servers have voice chats dedicated to livestreaming debates, with one dedicating almost all of its resources to its voice channel and the corresponding text chat.

Debate and discussion is the primary function of most flat earth servers. People of various viewpoints join to clash on countless topics, from Earth’s curvature to the validity of gravity. The debates, especially between veterans and newcomers, tend to be more aggressive as the latter rarely understand the viewpoints of the former. There is little conciliation unless both people agree to be civil and open.

Both sides do share one thing in common: neither are there to be convinced. Trolls will commonly say they want to be convinced, or claim they are on the fence with the topic. People are firm in their perspectives the overwhelming majority of the time; their intentions are of curiosity, animosity, or sometimes both. Debates and discussion do flourish, and it can be hard to keep up with for those not familiar with the topics at hand. It’s a flurry of text, paragraphs of studies and experiments, images and video demonstrating phenomena, memes, and dialogue boxes barring newcomers from posting links or saying certain words. To clarify, this is rarely to suppress opinions. It is most often used to foil raids and prevent trolls from causing too much damage.

Both flat earth and globe earth server veterans tend to be able to keep up out of experience, but they are regularly bombarded by questions, insults, and arguments. “How do the sun and moon work?” “How do eclipses work?” “Did you all skip middle school science?” It can be absolute chaos when peak activity hits.

It can also be almost cordial at times, when there are two people having a respectful conversation. This typically requires knowledge of both perceptions of Earth from both parties, which is difficult due to the lack of knowledge on each side. People who intentionally cause trouble will also make this harder to achieve.

Trolls are an accepted reality in flat earth Discord servers. Hundreds of trolls join purely to wreck havoc and attempt to irritate the flat earthers. Their behavior is well-known by flat earthers, to the point where they are able to immediately determine whether a person who joins is there for legitimate discussion, or just wants to cause problems.

Certain statements and jokes are so widespread among trolls that one has to wonder if they get them from the same place. A common entrance message by trolls is “Hello fellow flatties,” inspired by a video by Memeulous, a popular YouTuber. He joined 24/7 FE, among other flat earth servers, and pretended to be one of them (fooling nobody). Trolls will also mimic his generic username and stock image profile picture tactics. Others will simply say “Earth is a [square, cube, triangle, dinosaur, etc.].” Cue the groaning from even the globe earth regulars.

The “dinosaur earth” meme frequently posted by trolls.

Many will claim it is merely playful banter. It may seem that way if you are not on the receiving end of hundreds of trolls a week making the same jokes repeatedly. For many flat earthers, it’s a reality they have adapted to deal with. Some flat earth servers have dedicated quarantine channels for those who troll or violate the rules, where the majority of the server becomes inaccessible to them. Most trolls will be mocked relentlessly on top of that.

Trolls who do not know each other will team up against the flat earthers they see as beneath them. They will seemingly naturally coordinate mockery and repeat the same overly-used jokes. As a result, flat earth servers rarely tolerate trolling; when they do, it is to entertain themselves and will inevitably shut them down. Some servers are more tolerant of open discussion than others, and while trolls might have more leniency, the civil globe earthers become part of the community, and an echo chamber is prevented to some extent. It’s a tradeoff they see as worthy in the name of a free debate forum.

Other servers are dedicated to archiving information rather than active discussion. These groups will have numerous channels of various categories, from the Earth’s curvature to numerology to 9/11. Due to Google’s efforts to suppress conspiracy theories, these archive servers, along with information channels in discussion servers, are some of the only ways to obtain these coveted resources.

Flat earth thrives in these communities, and much of the information they gain online is from these semi-private havens. Discord and the corresponding online debates are where I entered the wormhole into the next world, and found that flat earth is much more bizarre than any globe earther could have imagined.

Chapter III: A Flat, Motionless Plane

The flat earth involves numerous components, but I will lay out the basics in order to establish a common understanding of what the model proposes. Globe earthers can use this as a basic reference to avoid strawmanning their flat earth opponents.

Rather than the Earth being a disk in a solar system of spherical planets, it is a flat plane and the floor of a geocentric universe. The sun and moon move in a circuit above the known earth.

Attached is a basic sun and moon rotation model. Flat earthers use simple models like this, but do not take them as absolutes. They argue that flat earth is not a model, it is the physical reality we all share.

A video by flat earther Rob Skiba shows one interpretation of how the sun and moon cycle would create seasons.

A screenshot from Rob Skiba’s video. This is intended as a rough representation.

A scientific model is actually used to define and represent an explanation for phenomena. Modern-day scientific knowledge is extremely vast and complex, but everything interconnects, and is interdependent. Studies, projects, and experiments are based on past knowledge. Flat earthers tend to attempt to undermine and replace a large part of current science, but when they are finished, it produces an extremely flawed result where information from one field cannot be applied or connected to another. That doesn’t stop them from pushing it.

The sun and moon are small and relatively close to the Earth, and it is not determined whether they are physical objects (here’s a video from a flat earther explaining the logic behind this). Yes, this means the moon landing was faked by the US government and their Hollywood associates. What the public knows of Earth is within an Antarctic basin of sorts. Antarctica has a cliffside not unlike that of Africa. What is beyond that is unknown, as governments limit travel there, notably with the Antarctic Treaty System. This was a series of treaties that essentially divided Antarctica between numerous countries and prohibited political and military activities on paper. This is debatable in reality, but the point relevant here is that if you go beyond a certain point, you will be criminally prosecuted.

Therefore, is no known “edge.” The plane may go on for thousands of miles before reaching an edge, or it may be infinite. Whether there is an edge or not is irrelevant to the lack of surface curvature. There are similar examples of flat earthers simply not knowing something, but they rarely admit the gaps in their model.

Space is physically impossible (don’t worry, I will explain the reasoning), and the planets are described as “wandering stars;” simply lights in the sky distinguishable from actual stars. A barrier of some sort, possibly a dome, covers the Earth.

Any globe earther might be reading this and wondering “How can they prove any of this?”, which is a perfectly reasonable question for the unfamiliar. Flat earth is rooted in four fundamental “proofs:”

  1. There is no measurable or observable surface curvature.
  2. There is no proof of Earth’s movement.
  3. Gravity has not been scientifically demonstrated.
  4. Global elites are engaged in a collective conspiracy to reap as much control of their populations as possible.

Proof #4 will be addressed later on.

Someone with a critical eye might notice a pattern with the first three proofs. They are not necessarily proofs of a flat earth, they are merely pointing out a supposed lack of evidence for certain significant parts of a spheroid Earth. This is because flat earthers argue that a flat, nonmoving Earth is the logical axiom of the human perspective. In order to prove the Earth is a sphere, one must prove that curvature, movement, and gravity exist.

Let’s begin with curvature, the most significant “proof.” I will not bore you with the exact mathematics, but flat earthers use 8 inches per mile squared, the supposed claimed curvature rate of the Earth, to attempt to prove that there is no physical drop.

Claimed trigonometry calculations of the Earth.

They also employ various laser tests intended to prove that there is no physical curvature. The most well known one was conducted by FECORE. It has predictably received much criticism in peer reviews. I have linked both in the interest of transparency.

They also claim curvature is not observable, no matter how high you go. Any footage that shows curvature has been distorted by curved lens, known as fisheye lens. Wide angle lens as used in cameras like GoPros have the same effect, and will curve the ground just after the balloon takes off.

What about photos taken from space? Those are fakes created by space agencies and the corporations they contract in order to keep up the lie. CGI is extremely easy to make in a computerized world, and even without computers back then, there were various ways to stage a play and film a movie.

They would not be able to go to space anyway, as flat earthers claim it’s scientifically impossible. They argue that the law of entropy, the universe’s tendency towards disorder, means the gases of the atmosphere should move into the extremely low pressure region of outer space. For this reason, a container of some sort has to exist if the atmosphere exists. This is the “barrier” or “dome” you’ve likely heard so much about.

Spectators might retort, pointing out that the gases of the atmosphere are kept on Earth by gravity. Not so fast. Flat earthers argue that gravity has never been scientifically demonstrated to be the cause of objects being pulled toward the ground, and therefore could not make this open system possible.

What about the Cavendish experiment? Unfortunately, that is not a “real” scientific experiment, as it presumed the invisible force of gravity was the reason for the observed effect instead of testing a hypothesis. Cavendish tests for Newton’s rendition of gravity anyway, what about general relativity and quantum mechanics? Flat earthers see Newtonian mechanics and its more modern counterparts as completely mutually exclusive, and will often challenge globe earth opponents when they attempt to describe gravitational pull as objects attracting each other due to their mass.

In reality, it is possible to derive Einstein’s field equations from Newton’s, but the former expands much further than the latter. General relativity is about more than gravity, it involves the dynamics of the spacetime continuum and is used to define and explain thousands of different phenomena.

Flat earthers dismiss both renditions anyway, arguing that mathematics itself is not a science and dismissing experiments such as the LIGO gravitational wave detection tests and the Eddington Experiment. So how do they explain why objects fall toward the ground? No, it is not the Earth moving upwards at 9.8m/s.

They use specific gravity, but call it by its other name, relative density equilibrium. Objects fall because they are denser than the medium around it, typically air. Critics reasonably ask why objects move downwards rather than in other directions. Specific gravity explains it by pointing to gravity causing objects to fall toward Earth. Flat earthers admit they don’t know why or deny the vector’s existence entirely. It can’t be gravity as that supposedly hasn’t been proven.

An image describing the basics of the relative density equilibrium theory.

This means there are no black holes, no neutron stars, no nebulae, no asteroid belts, and definitely no wormholes. If you continue down this rabbit hole, it also means there are no satellites in orbit around the Earth. Flat earthers have you covered: their functions are carried out by undersea cables, grounded facilities, planes, and balloons. This doesn’t explain why you are still able to get cell service in the middle of nowhere, but it’s an intriguing suggestion nonetheless.

Lastly, there’s the lack of Earth’s movement. Flat earthers propose that Earth is nonmoving, and there is no proof that it is rotating 15 degrees per hour. We would supposedly feel the Earth’s revolution around the Sun, and the Solar System’s movement.

Ever wondered why many flat earthers use the same memes and videos to demonstrate all this information? It’s because they have a loosely interconnected pool of information spread across various servers and cloud drives. They share resources with each other and use them frequently in debates and discussions. This makes it common to find the same resources in various servers. This system’s existence is not surprising considering they would not find it in a typical Google search, but it also keeps the community close as they send vital videos and images to each other.

There are countless other claimed proofs, but these are the basics, and it should serve as a solid launchpad. It will seem absolutely insane to anyone unfamiliar with it, and familiar territory for veterans. This is the reality that flat earthers propose we all reside in, but there are some interesting issues that underline the entire model and arguably cause it to implode.

Chapter IV: A False Prophet

The modern state of human scientific knowledge is hard to fully characterize, especially to those who are not experienced with its inner workings. However, flat earthers have constructed a very warped, contradictory perspective of science that varies depending on who you talk to.

Flat earthers’ approach to science is both narrow and extremely expansive in different ways. If you peer into the information channels, you will find multiple dedicated to dozens of scientific fields, from aerodynamics to particle physics to electromagnetism and rocket science. If there is a field related to Earth, they have explored it to some extent. Yet despite this, each channel is filled with pseudoscience, supernatural explanations and outright lies. Flat earthers have little to no experience in any of the fields they address, yet they will attempt to involve themselves in many of them. See the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

On top of that, in many flat earth servers, there are dozens of channels dedicated to every conspiracy theory you can think of: astrology, numerology, 9/11, sacred geometry, the list goes on. It’s a very bizarre, seemingly contradictory mindset that many flat earthers hold.

Science is a false prophet for the flat earth movement. They will just as easily demand an real scientific experiment as they will believe that numerology will predict the coming apocalypse. They claim they will only validate “real” scientific experiments, but a “real” one requires using the rendition of the scientific method middle school children use in science class. It’s only the basic pathway of the protocol with absolutely nothing that usually comes with it. Include anything more and you will be met with antagonism and rage that you are not complying with their narrow conception of science.

Modern science is a massive, exceedingly complex systematic enterprise that works to collect and categorize human knowledge about the world we live in. We build off and test thousands of years of knowledge collected in the past in order to make new discoveries in the present. We do not have to prove the same fundamentals over and over again unless there is legitimate reason to question them.

For example, the muon g-2 experiment is a project that aims to test the muon’s magnetic power and gyration rate. Complex probability calculations are used to determine how extreme the results are assuming the hypothesis is true. They are confident that the results could threaten the Standard Model, and further experimentation might reveal new particles we were not aware of before.

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, or Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois, where muon g-2 experiments are conducted.

Experiments like this are possible in the first place because they are building off our current understanding of particle physics. Modern scientific projects typically include experiments, observations, statistical analysis, experiment analysis, and discussion. Flat earthers want to start from scratch every time. They take a very limited approach with limited resources and false initial evidence, then use a rendition of the scientific method commonly used in middle school classrooms to serve as “evidence.”

What happens when you entertain them and ask how an experiment is supposed to be conducted? They say that it starts with a natural observation, and many will give you something akin to a fourth grade fill-in-the-blank assignment asking for the hypothesis, the variables, and the conclusion. If you try to explain that science has exceeded such basic confines, they will accuse you of pushing pseudoscience.

It is like attempting to build a skyscraper on sand. The foundation for the massive building is already unreliable, and even if you try to construct a wobbly, incomplete building, the entire thing will implode. Flat earthers use already-flawed evidence and an incomplete perspective of science in order to prove their model.

Yet they still hold their “science” up like a trophy, and accuse globe earthers of following “scientism,” the supposed religion of science. They claim they have faith in their heliocentric “beliefs” without any legitimate evidence to support it. It’s an interesting accusation, considering the sheer religious and conspiratorial zeal of the community.

Their flawed scientific tests are paired with pure religious faith and conspiratorial nonsense you would find in the cheap paperbacks of spirituality shops. Supposed scientific explanations come with claims of sacred geometry and Biblical prophecy, making for an almost entertaining show for any rational spectator.

Some will deny it, but Biblical prophecy and mythology is a significant component of many flat earth communities. The barrier is frequently referred to as the “firmament,” in reference to a Bible quote. Bible study channels populate numerous servers, and Satanism is a common explanation for the global conspiracy and why they would lie about the state of the Earth. Some claim to be more spiritual rather than religious, but will still treat common Rapture prophecy as fact. Spiritualism is another common thread, even among some religious flat earthers. Chakras, astrology, internal energy, and alternative medicine are all explored and professed in these communities as if they are viable additions to “real science.” It is essentially throwing feces at the wall and seeing what sticks, but it is guaranteed to stick because some people will believe anything.

In all fairness, some flat earthers stick to the “science” more than others. These people will entirely avoid religious or spiritual explanations, instead keeping close to the model built on sand.

Many will still claim to be great advocates for “real science.” Science ends up being a false prophet for them at the end of the day. Their goal was never to effectively utilize the powerful tools of modern science, it was to distort its foundations in order to justify the unjustifiable, even the completely fantastical.

Chapter V: The “Awakened” Themselves

Who exactly are flat earthers, and what are they like? Such is the human species as a whole, they are as varied as can be. The stereotype that will come to much of the general population’s minds is an image of an older, antagonistic conspiratorial whackjob. I will openly say that there are more than a few flat earthers who fit this stereotype, but it would also be inaccurate to say they are all like this.

You can find flat earthers of any age, but I noticed more in the 25–35 and 45–60 age ranges than any other. It may seem bizarre at first that these older people would be active on a chat platform such as Discord, but it’s not uncommon for conspiracy theories to attract an older audience to social media networks they would not join otherwise. The higher-ranked members of the largest servers tend to have a mix of both younger and older people. The gender split seems to be about 60–40 in favor of males, but the ladies are just as active and as knowledgeable as the men, so it rarely makes a difference anyway. Women also occupy the higher ranks of servers at the same rate, so there is no lack of girl power within the movement.

They come from many different countries (yes, including Australia. The “Australia doesn’t exist” joke was never funny) and it shows, as the various videos and images are from countless locations. The chaotic voice chats similarly pit people with completely different accents and perspectives against each other.

Depending on which flat earther you talk to, you may have a very different experience. Flat earthers do not have a united model, so you will find the same fundamentals with different details. They will all talk about curvature and the lack of gravity, but differ on their views of the barrier, religion and spiritualism, and the elites. One will tell you that the elites want control over their people, another will say they have Satanist goals. One will use memes to prove their point, another will copy-paste experiments. In order to get the full picture of the flat earth movement, you need to view every caveat, because different people will tell you slightly different things.

The way they tell you about flat earth is also different. Most flat earthers will focus on challenging your worldviews first, and then presenting their own alternative. They will ask you for evidence of curvature or the movement of the earth. The fact that flat earthers put debunking the spheroid earth over proving the flat earth may become very clear at this point, as they argue the burden of proof is on the alternative hypothesis of the globe. How they respond to challengers is where flat earthers tend to diverge from each other. Some will become very aggressive, even to more civil opponents, mocking them for having a different perspective and “being programmed.” Others will attempt to talk them through flat earth, and react accordingly to how the globe earther responds.

Some flat earthers don’t even seem to pay attention to what you say, even in more casual discussion. You say something and it goes right over their heads, or they will only read one part of your sentence and ignore the rest, making for a fragmented argument. A few have no social skills at all, making conversation almost impossible as they struggle to comprehend your messages.

Any rational person might point out that there are segments of the general population that experience the same communication issues. I have no objections to that, but when you are discussing complex scientific, philosophical and political issues, it can make for some really difficult conversations.

However, the environments of servers have produced certain habits in many flat earthers that lead to massive echo chambers reinforced by people with one-track minds. When attempting to discuss evidence with a flat earther, many have a tendency to attempt to drive you into a specific narrative. Much of their experience is asking specific questions and leading people through their supposedly logical arguments and show them the curvature-free conclusion. If you diverge from that narrative, many will berate you for it and ask if you conceded the debate.

Narrative plays a significant role in the flat earth community. Everything ties back to people being programmed to follow the orders of the authorities. A significant part of their evidence proving that space agencies and their contractors are fake is based on out of context footage and images while ignoring the logical explanations.

Multiple videos of people and objects on the International Space Station teleporting are used against them. However, when the videos are traced back and put into their full context, it is clear they are intended to be goofy and fun. Photos and videos of NASA’s astronaut training pools are used by flat earthers to show they are faking spacewalks with them. The problem is that nothing is being proven, an explanation is just being willfully ignored.

NASA’s astronaut training pools. Source: NASA

This line of thinking creates echo chambers based on narratives. They may not be full echo chambers as new members frequently challenge the flat earth, but flat earthers have seemingly unfalsifiable methods of deflecting them. They will claim they advocate for skepticism right before automatically assuming a narrative is true merely because it’s consistent with their deeply-held beliefs. It is a deadly cycle of cognitive bias with no end in sight.

This cycle is only exacerbated by one of the largest array of conspiracy theories out there.

Chapter VI: A Whodunnit for Veteran Conspiracists

So who is behind this grand conspiracy of deceit? How is it possible that everybody is pushing the globe lie, from the science teachers to the low level employees? Why have no whistleblowers spoken out against this criminal deception of the public? And lastly, what could they possibly get out of such a massive conspiracy? There are, as usual, various theories.

All flat earthers agree that it is to control people. How that is accomplished depends on who you ask. More religious people will be inclined to tell you that it is part of a Satanist master plan to turn people away from God. Along the same line, a heliocentric model makes people feel insignificant and hides the true nature of humans as powerful beings. The Catholic Church is frequently cited as the center of these efforts.

As an aside, the argument that globe earthers advocate for heliocentrism is a strawman. The sun is not the center of the universe, it is merely the most significant component of the Solar System. Even the term “globe earther” is a misnomer as anyone who advocates for what is proposed by modern science puts Earth as a spheroid in a vast universe.

Regardless, Jesuits are brought up frequently. Referred to as sun worshippers, they are supposedly an extensive group of power-hungry pagans with a hand in global institutions. They supposedly forced a heliocentric religion into the world just a few centuries ago. Prominent individuals and organizations are labeled as Jesuits or Jesuit-adjacent, including the founders of the Flat Earth Society. Space agencies and their contractors are of course included in this circle.

It’s about restricting people physically and mentally, to keep them within the bounds of control. The globe earth is small and limited, and people are restricted to what is within Antarctica. This is despite the fact the flat earth model denies the vast expanse of space.

NASA may not be the only space agency, but it essentially controls every other one as the forefront corporation. Yes, a corporation. They exist to fake rocket launches and launder their $20 billion budget to military operations and other shady government practices. Inflating their wealth was always a significant incentive, as money isn’t going to any real space projects. Speaking of rockets, they can’t all be faked because they have live audiences, right?

Wrong. Rockets do not go to space, they fly in an arc and land back on Earth. If you are curious about the actual reason for these arcs, it is because a rocket can more effectively get into orbit if it takes advantage of Earth’s gravity. It is following the curvature of the Earth as it flies higher parallel to the Earth. Human perspective makes it look like an arc.

Rocket arcs landing back on Earth.

They also claim rockets would not work in space because there is no air to push off of in order to create lift, and rocket fuel would not be able to operate in the vacuum of space. Unfortunately for flat earthers, human engineering solves this problem using Newton’s laws of conservation of momentum. A rocket releases mass at high velocity, propelling it through space. Rockets and probes will also frequently use the massive gravitational fields of nearby planets to pull them along and save fuel. Of course, they deny the very concept of outer space, but expectations were already set.

Of course this also means the moon landings and more modern Mars activities are complete fabrications orchestrated by Hollywood and pushed along by CGI and special effects. They claim lighting and the bizarre designs of the probes support this.

How is it possible that such a massive number of people from so many different organizations and businesses be in on it? Simple: they don’t need to be. Few flat earthers can name the security policy, but it is compartmentalization, used in many businesses. Essentially, people only know the minimum of what is required to carry out their work. Whether this would work on such a massive scale, involving millions of people, is debatable.

Why have no whistleblowers come out to expose it? Apparently, some have, according to a handful of video clips taken out of context. The video linked was a Polish astronaut making a joke, but nothing can have a logical explanation that diverges from the narrative.

This is barely the tip of the iceberg. Flat earth communities are a grab bag of conspiracy theories, from denying nuclear physics (meaning nuclear weapons don’t exist and Chernobyl was not a disaster) to full scale crisis hoaxes. It can be information overload for anyone who hasn’t explored these before, yet flat earthers use a lot of their cognitive capacity for it. Very bizarre.

Chapter VII: Challenger Deep

Flat earth challengers have more than a few problems themselves. While flat earthers can be extremely dishonest and deceiving as detailed previously, globe earthers can match them, and it can create even bigger problems and push flat earthers further into the rabbit hole.

YouTube videos that come up when “flat earth” is searched all utilize information from the Flat Earth Society. Flat earthers consider the organization paid opposition; they exist specifically to divert people from the truth. When you consider some of the things that are said, even globe earthers can admit something is off.

Some of the Flat Earth Society’s more questionable posts.

They claim gravity’s effects are created by the Earth moving upwards at 9.8m/s, and don’t seem to know whether it is a disk or not. Flat earth servers have to regularly remind new users that they oppose the organization. If the Flat Earth Society’s purpose is to discredit and mock flat earthers, they have succeeded, but they only push those they mock further into their conspiracy theories. Deliberately misrepresenting their arguments to a cartoonish degree only worsens the situation.

The general public has accepted the Flat Earth Society as an authority on all things flat earth. As a result, popular science videos and articles use the strawmen the organization presents in order to explain flat earth to the unfamiliar or attempt to debunk it. Numerous videos reference the Flat Earth Society as its point of reference, and so do articles, such as this one from HuffPost. Real flat earthers predictably label these articles as either hit jobs from paid journalists or online writers simply being gullible.

Most people will believe it, and one can argue the general public is technically their target audience anyway. But if you intend to convince any flat earthers by debunking claims they didn’t make, you’re kidding yourself. Posting the typical popular science articles named “10 Ways You Can Debunk Flat Earth” is a quick way to lose any respect they could have had for you.

I have addressed trolling previously, but it is a significant component of the failures of opposition. Trolling of flat earth groups is a scenario where everybody loses. The trolls could spend their time doing more productive things, or legitimately learning about the flat earth model. Instead they elect to disrupt what could otherwise be a civil conversation between human beings. Flat earthers have to actively take the time to deal with the trolls. They have come to expect it, but that does not justify it. Trolling, like strawmen, does nothing to effectively address flat earth and arguably only makes the problem worse.

Many people who join flat earth groups don’t troll, but meet it with antagonism. Antagonism is already a problem on both sides, with flat earthers frequently labeling globe earthers as thoughtless sheep programmed to follow their overlords, and globe earthers accusing flat earthers of being unintelligent barbarians who believe in a prehistoric conspiracy theory. Both sides can help with this problem by meeting each other with respect. Self defense is justified if you truly believe there is no connection to be made, but don’t go on the attack without making an effort.

So how can we engage in flat earth discussion while avoiding the common problems that have plagued it? Being respectful is an obvious step, but also consider all the evidence given to you before you make conclusions. If you don’t understand it, be honest; someone who responds poorly to that might not be worth engaging with in the first place. Bring your own evidence and expect to be asked for it. Do not assume you know everything, there’s probably a lot about the opposite viewpoint you don’t know. There is almost always something about your own worldviews that you don’t know either. It is important to corroborate evidence and examine it carefully regardless of the original source.

Until at least these basic principles are adopted by a majority of those engaged in these debates, much opposition will continue to be apathetic, disruptive, and counterproductive. We can only hope it will improve.

Chapter VIII: Endgame of the Flat Earth

Why do people advocate for and believe in flat earth in the first place, and what drives them to continue? A quick disclaimer that this is mostly speculation and analysis of what I have personally witnessed and been told. Experiences and motives vary heavily for each individual, and I cannot truly capture that. But I can do my best with the knowledge I have.

Flat earthers are typically introduced to the model in two different ways. Some find it online, through YouTube videos, social media posts, and private messages with others. Others are introduced by someone offline instead. The latter tend to be more engaged with flat earth because they are likely to have a personal connection with those that showed them the information. After being introduced, the foundations slowly start to arise in their minds as they peruse through videos, memes, photos, and discussions.

They feel like they have “awakened,” that they joined a secluded club of similarly enlightened individuals who saw through the lies and broke through years of programming. They join a group of people who understand and can sympathize with their trials and tribulations. It is not just a movement, it is a community, and communities of people can become very tight knit and loyal to their fellow members.

When flat earthers research new conspiracies and share that research with the world, they likely feel like anyone would after making a new discovery for themselves. It’s a pleasant, even exhilarating feeling of accomplishment and self-growth. It must feel even better when it connects with another conspiracy they have been researching. It’s like a never-ending jigsaw puzzle that you get to complete with like-minded people.

However, flat earthers will naturally face opposition and antagonism from all sides as they attempt to discuss their findings with friends and family. Some people are more accepting than others, but many flat earthers hide their beliefs out of fear of retaliation and ostracization. Others couldn’t care less about the backlash, instead electing to air out their viewpoints and let the chips fall where they may.

More religious individuals might feel that it brings them closer to their faith, and that it confirms their long-held beliefs. The geocentric model puts their home at the center of the universe, and they can breathe easy knowing they are spiritually in the right place. People who advocate for other conspiracy theories will also find their biases confirmed as they start making their own dots and connecting them.

Flat earthers typically do not see a realistic endgame. Most are not expecting a mass awakening, they simply want to turn heads and get people to consider what they see as the demonstrable reality we all share. Maybe, through this, they can gradually grow a movement to face their oppressors head on.

Moving Forward

The movement is not where it was in 2014, which was arguably its most recent peak. Discord and Facebook communities continue to gain members, but not necessarily traction. As more people join the internet and its social platforms, raw member counts will naturally increase. There will always be those that are vaguely curious and ask a few questions before inevitably leaving. The public is not as intrigued by flat earth as they were six years ago.

The movement has not exactly evolved either. The same people are still sitting at the top of the ladder, regulating their communities and pushing for what they see as the blatant truth. A massive shift would require an unprecedented event, such as another moon landing (which could come in the near future). For now, it is the same as it ever was: an alleged ragtag group of conspiracy-obsessed whackjobs.

Through this investigation, I found for myself that the flat earth movement is much more than that, however. It’s a relatively sizable community of human beings lead to believe in one of the more far fetched conspiracy theories. At the end of the day, they are just like anyone else: people with ideas, opinions, perspectives and experiences.

I hope this investigation will lead other people to gain a greater understanding of a group of people they might have previously thought were unintelligent. Like a wormhole, sometimes you have to take a leap previously thought impossible in order to truly connect two disparate ends.


I am a human, and I will fully concede that I may have made errors in my investigation or in my reporting. Flat earth is an extraordinarily expansive topic! I made sure to be as concise and nuanced as possible, but there is much I still do not know.

Therefore, I want other people to help me with my journey across the plane. Do you have any questions, concerns, comments, or potential corrections or additions? You can contact me through email at, or message me on Twitter @TheHelocity. Please be as respectful as possible. I know that this can be a divisive topic, but I want to civilly engage with other people on it. This can be a genuinely fulfilling experience for all those involved if we just make the effort. If I decide to make any additions or corrections, I will make separate articles and link them back to this one.

Do you have personal experiences with flat earth that you want to share? Responses from both flat earthers and globe earthers are welcome. I plan to publish them and my responses in a separate article that I will link to this one. I hope this will encourage further understanding between the two sides.




“It’s human nature to stretch, to go, to see, to understand. Exploration is not a choice, really; it’s an imperative.”